The MCST- TÜBİTAK funded UNIMED research project invites Plumtri readers to join in its Second Community of Practice Workshop in Malta. The event will take place at the Esplora Science Centre on 8 February 2024, starting at 14:00 till 15:30 pm. Participation is free of charge, but we kindly invite your advance registration using this link. The event is being run in conjunction with the PRIMA Collaborate Event, uniting med researchers in Malta for innovation.
The ‘UNIfied framework to cope with droughts under MEDiterranean climate change conditions’, UNIMED, is aimed at the methodological development of a Survivability-of-Droughts Index in the context of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) Nexus. This is a novel idea which derives from the quantification of four underlying indices: perception, vulnerability, adaptability and recoverability.
UNIMED’s First Community of Practice Workshop which took place on 7 July 2023, resulted in the enlargement of an originally foreseen set of economic, social and environmental indicators in a participatory manner. The enlarged set has since been checked against data availability in both Malta and Turkey and the resulting, ‘best available’ dataset will be presented during this follow-up event. Participants will be invited to assist us in reaching sound policy recommendations in the context of coping with droughts. Recently implemented, still in the pipeline initiatives or projects will be scrutinized against their level of effectiveness as well as their cost-effectiveness. Possible synergies between these initiatives or projects will also be explored.
The UNIMED research continues to enjoy an excellent synergy with the PRIMA funded Mara-Mediterra research project. Mara-Mediterra aspires to accelerate the uptake of agro-ecological practices to sustain the livelihoods of rural communities around the Region. Most recently the latter project created the opportunity to bring the testimonials of two young farmers in Malta on their successful adoption of Nature-based Solutions to produce organic vegetables under conditions of severe water scarcity.
The UNIMED research in Malta is being led by Integrated Resources Management Company Ltd., in collaboration with the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology. Our Turkish research colleagues from the Dokuz Eylul University Industrial Application and Research Center, will be joining us for the Second Community of Practice Workshop in Malta.
We are looking forward to meet up with you as well!
The UNIMED project is financed by the Malta Council for Science and Technology trough the MCST-TÜBİTAK Joint Call 2022 for R&I Proposals
The UNIMED write-up which is included in the MCAST Research and Innovation Expo 2023, the 5th MCAST Research and Innovation Expo which ran from 14 to 15 December 2023
Figure 1a: The empty canvas
Figure 1b: A graphical representation of the canvas
Türkiye İkinci Uygulama Topluluğu (CoP) Çalıştayı (4 Nisan 2024) Second Community of Practice (CoP) Workshop of Türkiye (4 April 2024) |
TR | ENG |
Verimli geçen etkinlikte, katılımcılar Kuraklıklardan Hayatta Kalma Endeksi’ni oluşturan: Algı, Kırılganlık, Uyarlanabilirlik ve Geri Kazanılabilirlik alt-endekslerinin ağırlık katsayılarını belirlemeye davet edildi. Daha sonra, bu dört temel endeksi hesaplamak için kullanılacak göstergeler için aynı çalışma tekrarlandı. Daha sonra, katılımcılar rastgele iki gruba ayrıldı. Metodolojik ve toplumsal hazırlık düzeyini ve dolayısıyla Kuraklıklardan Hayatta Kalma Endeksi’nin tarım sektörünün ötesinde diğer sektörlere de uygulanabilir olup olmadığı tartışıldı (Şekil 1). Bu yaklaşım, Avrupa’nın önde gelen iklim inovasyon ajansı ve topluluğu olan EIT Climate KIC ağı tarafından desteklenen sistem haritalama yaklaşımından UNIMED kapsamına uyarlanmıştır.
The highly interactive event invited participants to assign weighting coefficients to the four underlying indices that make up the Survivability of Droughts Index, i.e. the Perception, Vulnerability, Adaptability, and Recoverability Indices. Next, they were invited to repeat the same exercise for the indicators that will be used to calculate these four underlying indices. This approach is known as inviting stakeholders’ opinions to arrive at weighting coefficients. Next, the participants were randomly divided into two groups and asked to reflect on the level of methodological and societal readiness, and hence, the maturity of the Survivability of Droughts Index and whether they consider the concept is applicable also to other sectors beyond the agricultural sector (Figure 1). This approach is borrowed from the systems mapping approach promoted by the EIT Climate KIC network, Europe’s leading climate innovation agency, and community, and has been adapted to the scope of UNIMED. |
Şekil 1. Çalıştaydaki iki katılımcı grubunun sistem haritalama çalışma panoları /Figure 1. Systems mapping exercise boards of the two groups of attendees at the workshop
Çalıştay, 4 Nisan 2024 tarihinde Türkiye Menemen’deki Uluslararası Tarımsal Araştırma ve Eğitim Merkezi (UTAEM) tesislerinde gerçekleştirildi. Çalıştaya Eğitim Merkezi Müdürü Dr. Tuncay Topdemir, Eğitim Merkezi Müdür Yardımcıları Dr. Zübeyde Albayram Doğan ve Sinan Aras ile Eğitim Merkezi ziraat mühendisleri ekibi Dr. Gözen Yüceerim, Dr. Gülay Yılmaz, Dr. Funda Kıdoğlu, Merve Etöz, Oğuz Şen, Yunus Emre Terzi ve Ülfet Erdal olmak üzere yaklaşık 20 katılımcı katıldı. Çalıştay, UNIMED Türkiye Koordinatörü Dr. Cem Polat Çetinkaya ve Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Endüstriyel Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi’nden (DEÜ-DESUM) Ali Gül, Filiz Barbaros, Hülya Boyacıoğlu, Gülay Onuşluel Gül ve Mert Can Günaçtı’dan oluşan araştırma ekibi tarafından yönetildi. Ayrıca, PRIMA tarafından finanse edilen Mara-Mediterra projesi ile UNIMED arasındaki sinerjiler hakkında bir sunum yapan UNIMED’in Malta Koordinatörü Müh. Dirk De Ketelaere ve Integrated Resources Management Company Ltd. (IRMCo) Genel Müdürü Anna Spiteri ve bu yılın başlarında Malta’da düzenlenen İkinci Uygulama Topluluğu etkinliğinde sistem haritalama yaklaşımını ilk kez gösteren Bayan Carmelina Frendo da katıldı (Şekil 2).
The workshop took place at the premises of the International Agricultural Research and Training Center (UTAEM) in Menemen, Turkey on 4 April 2024. It was joined by some 20 participants, including the Director of the Training Center, Dr. Tuncay Topdemir, the Vice-Directors of the Training Center, Dr. Zübeyde Albayram Dogan and Sinan Aras, and the team of agriculture engineers of the Training Center, Dr. Gozen Yuceerim, Dr. Gulay Yilmaz, Dr. Funda Kıdoglu, Merve Etoz, Oguz Sen, Yunus Emre Terzi, and Ulfet Erdal. The workshop was led by UNIMED’s Principal Investigator in Turkey, Dr. Cem Polat Cetinkaya, and his research team, composed of Ali Gul, Filiz Barbaros, Hulya Boyacioglu, Gulay Onusluel Gul, and Mert Can Günaçtı from the Dokuz Eylül University Industrial Application and Research Center (DEU). It was joined also by UNIMED’s Principal Investigator in Malta, Eng. Dirk De Ketelaere, who gave a presentation on the synergies between the PRIMA-funded Mara-Mediterra project and UNIMED, and Anna Spiteri, Managing Director of Integrated Resources Management Company Ltd. (IRMCo), and Ms Carmelina Frendo, who first demonstrated the system mapping approach at the Second Community of Practice event that was held in Malta earlier this year (Figure 2). |
Şekil 2. Çalıştaydan fotoğraflar / Figure 2. Photos from the workshop
Exploring sustainable water mnagement solutions for farmer communities in the Mediterranean Region
Carmen Frendo, Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Business, Management & Commerce, MCAST was invited to showcase the UNIMED project at the MED-WET final project event on 28 October 2024. The event was aimed at the exploration of sustainable water management solutions for farming communities in the Mediterranean region.
MED-WET is an initiative which aims at providing efficient low-cost and nature-based technologies and practices to improve the irrigation efficiency of small farmers in the Mediterranean region. The project involves partners from Malta, Germany, Egypt, Morocco and Portugal. MED-WET is 100% funded by Xjenza Malta through the PRIMA Programme, which is supported by the European Union.
The UNIMED project is also being financed under the PRIMA programme through the bilateral Malta-Turkey Call 2022 for R&I Proposals. Its aim is to develop a unified, indicator-based, framework to better assess, adapt and ultimately cope with agricultural droughts under Mediterranean climate change conditions. The framework consisting of a Survivability-of-Droughts Index is being derived from the quantification of four underlying indices – perception, vulnerability, adaptability and recoverability. Each of these indices draws on a mutually exclusive set of relevant economic, social and environmental indicators, ensuring that the assessment framework is aligned with the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) Nexus approach.
UNIMED Symposium on coping with droughts in the agricultural sector in the Mediterranean
Registration is now open!
We look forward to welcome you at the UNIMED final project event which will take place at MCAST during the morning of 5th and 6th December 2024. Attendance is free, but please register by 1st December 2024 via this link.
The ‘Unified framework to cope with droughts under MEDiterranean climate change conditions’ project is funded by Xjenza Malta and the Scientific Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBITAK) through the Xjenza Malta (formerly MCST) – TÜBITAK 2022 Joint Call for R&I projects. This initiative is part of the PRIMA Programme supported by the European Union.
The event has been shaped as a Symposium during which the research partners from the Dokuz Eylül University in Izmir, Türkiye will present the UNIMED research findings on the development of a Survivability-to-Droughts Index, a novel concept as it integrates social, economic and environmental indicators in four underlying indices: perception, vulnerability, adaptability and recoverability.
Throughout its duration, UNIMED enjoyed an excellent synergy with the PRIMA funded Mara-Mediterra project, including through the provision of rainfall data from close to 40 rainfall stations from all around the Mediterranean and over 500 replies to a survey addressed to farmers.
The coordinating team at the Soil and Water Research Institute (SWRI) in Thessaloniki, Greece will present the achievements of the ‘Safeguarding the livelihood of rural communities and the environment in the Mediterranean through Nature-based Solutions’ research project, with case study findings from Algeria, Egypt, Greece, Lebanon, and Turkey.
The event also creates the opportunity for IRMCo, who are Work Package Leaders in both projects, to take a look back at 30 years of EU funded environmental research projects, driven by the aspirations and expectations of local communities in Malta, Europe, the MENA region and beyond.
While the first day brings a focus on the Mediterranean Region as a whole, the second day will bring the spotlight on coping with droughts and the uptake of Nature-based Solutions in the Maltese agricultural sector. To this effect, outcomes of research on these topics will be presented also by invited speakers from the University of Malta (UoM) and MCAST.
On both days, the presentations will be a followed by a panel discussion.
The agenda of the symposium can be downloaded from the website of the Xjenza Malta- TÜBITAK funded UNIMED project via this link.
The agenda of the symposium can be downloaded from the website of the Xjenza Malta- TÜBITAK funded UNIMED project via this link.
Venue: MCAST, Conference Hall, Engineering and Transport Institute, Block N, (link to location on map)
Please confirm your participation by registering via this link
Venue: MCAST, Conference Hall, Engineering and Transport Institute, Block N, (link to location on map)
Agenda 5 December 2024: Coping with droughts in agriculture in the Mediterranean Region |
08:30 – 09:00 | Registration |
09:00 – 09:15 |
Welcome address
In honour of the late Emeritus Prof. Dr. Nilgun B. Harmancioglu, Honored Faculty Member of Dokuz Eylul University, Former Founder and Director of Water Resources Research Center SUMER, Honored Member of European Water Resources Association (EWRA) |
09:15 – 10:00 |
30 years of environmental research driven by the aspirations and expectations of local communities
Anna Spiteri, Managing Director, IRMCo, Malta |
10:00 – 10:30 |
Achievements of the PRIMA funded Mara-Mediterra project, Safeguarding the livelihood of rural communities and the environment in the Mediterranean through NbSs
Eleanna Pana, Mara-Mediterra Project Manager, SWRI, Greece |
10:30 – 10:45 | Coffee break |
10:45 – 11:15 |
Research outcomes of the Xjenza Malta-TUBITAK funded UNIMED Project, UNIfied framework to cope with droughts under MEDiterranean climate change conditions
Dr. Filiz Barbaros, DEU DESUM, Türkiye |
11:15 – 12:15 |
Panel discussion: How to sustain EU funded research project legacies
Panelists: Dr. Vasileios Takavakoglou, Mara-Mediterra Project Coordinator, SWRI, Greece, Dr. Cem P. Cetinkaya UNIMED Scientific Coordinator, Deputy Coordinator of Technology Transfer Office of DEU, Türkiye, Dr. Ali Gul, Deputy Director DEU DESUM, Türkiye, Dr. Lorna Bonnici West, Director of R&I at the Applied and Research and Innovation Centre (ARIC), MCAST Moderator: Eng. Dirk De Ketelaere, Senior Researcher, IRMCo |
12:15 – 12:30 | Wrap up and a look ahead at the agenda on second day (6 December 2024) |
6 December 2024: Coping with droughts and the uptake of Nature-based Solutions in the Maltese agricultural sector |
08:30 – 09:00 | Registration |
09:00 – 09:10 | Introduction |
09:10 – 09:30 |
Challenges and opportunities in the uptake of Nature-based Solutions: The Mara- Mediterra experience
Dr. Vasileios Takavakoglou, Mara-Mediterra Project Coordinator, SWRI, Greece |
09:30 – 09:50 | Resolving stakeholder conflict: the story of Lake Marmara
Dr. Cem Polat Cetinkaya, Teamleader DEU DESUM, Türkiye |
09:50 – 10:10 | Historical evidence-based analysis of droughts in the Maltese Islands
Eng. Dirk De Ketelaere, Senior Researcher, IRMCo, Malta |
10:10 – 10:30 | Development of a Survivability to Droughts Index
Dr. Mert Can Günaçtı, DEU DESUM, Türkiye |
10:30 – 10:50 | Coffee break |
10:50 – 11:20 |
Research insights on the impact of nature-based solutions on biodiversity and agroecosystem services
Dr. Mario V Balzan, Senior Lecturer, Institute of Applied Sciences, MCAST |
11:20 – 11:40 |
Viability of implementing sustainable agricultural practices in the Maltese context towards a healthier lifestyle
Dr. Byron Baron, Research Academic Centre for Molecular Medicine and Biobanking, University of Malta |
11:40 – 12:30 |
Panel discussion: Driving the uptake of policy recommendations
Panelists: Dr. Annalisa Cartabia, Senior Executive, Multilaterals – Internationalisation, Xjenza Malta, Dr. Lorna Bonnici West, Director of R&I at the Applied and Research and Innovation Centre (ARIC), MCAST, Christopher Ciantar, Project Coordinator – SYNECO Moderator: Anna Spiteri, Managing Director, IRMCo, Malta |